In relazione ai servizi di mensa e trasporto scolastico per l’anno scolastico 2023/2024, iniziati il 2 ottobre c.a., si comunica che gli stessi saranno resi a favore delle famiglie che hanno effettuato regolare iscrizione on-line sul sito del Comune di Cisterna di Latina e ricevuto conferma tramite mail.
Sui suddetti servizi si forniscono le informazioni seguenti:
Modalità pagamento:
Si rende noto che i servizi di mensa e trasporto scolastico si potranno pagare attraverso il sistema PagoPA.
Mensa: in continuità con l’anno precedente, l’Ente, attraverso gli Uffici competenti, procederà mensilmente a generare la retta relativa al numero dei pasti erogati all’alunno iscritto, indicando il termine per effettuare il pagamento. La tariffa applicata sarà quella indicata nella domanda di iscrizione.
Il pagamento potrà essere effettuato online direttamente sul portale, collegandosi al sito internet del Comune di Cisterna di Latina sul portale mensa o tramite servizi al cittadino, accedendo tramite Spid e cliccando sul link “Pagamenti Pago PA Attesi”.
Si comunica, inoltre che:
I pasti sono automaticamente generati ogni mattina da sistema informatico in base ai giorni di rientro previsti da calendario;
A partire da quest’anno, in caso di assenza da scuola, il genitore/tutore deve provvedere a selezionare la stessa collegandosi al portale genitori entro le ore 9.00 della mattina stessa del consumo del pasto, così come di seguito indicato:
• per inserire le assenze ai pasti cliccare l'icona in corrispondenza del campo "Caricamento assenze/pasti";
• verrà visualizzato l'elenco degli alunni associati al proprio account cittadino;
• posizionarsi in corrispondenza del nome su cui si desidera registrare l'assenza e cliccare il link "Aggiungi assenza"
• inserire il periodo in cui l'alunno sarà assente a mensa;
• al termine selezionare "Conferma";
Trasporto: in continuità con l’anno precedente, l’Ente, attraverso gli Uffici competenti, procederà mensilmente a generare la retta dell’abbonamento dovuta al Comune indicando il termine per effettuare il pagamento.
Il pagamento potrà essere effettuato online direttamente sul portale, collegandosi al sito internet del Comune di Cisterna di Latina accedendo sul portale mensa o tramite servizi al cittadino, accedendo tramite Spid e cliccando sul link “Pagamenti Pago PA Attesi”
In caso di problemi con i pagamenti tramite portale si può contattare l’Ufficio Pubblica Istruzione il quale invierà tramite mail l’avviso di pagamento e recandosi presso gli esercizi convenzionati PagoPA (es Tabaccherie, Edicole ecc), mostrando il QR Code, si potrà procedere al relativo pagamento.
Non verranno accolte le domande di iscrizione ai servizi di mensa e trasporto scolastico degli utenti non in regola con i pagamenti del precedente anno scolastico, fino ad avvenuta estinzione del debito per i servizi scolastici.
E’ possibile verificare il debito residuo accedendo sul portale, con le proprie credenziali.
L’Ufficio Pubblica Istruzione è a disposizione per qualsiasi informazione utile agli utenti chiamando ai seguenti numeri 06/96834230-225-234, dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 12.30 e il martedì e giovedì pomeriggio dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 17.00
Information about Canteen and School Bus Services - School Year 2023/2024
In relation to the services of canteen and school transport for the school year 2023/2024, which began on October 2 of this year, we inform that the same will be rendered in favor of families who have regularly registered on-line on the website of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina and received confirmation by email.
The following information shall be provided on these services:
Payment Method:
Please note that canteen and school transport services can be paid through the PagoPA system
Canteen: in continuity with the previous year, the Authority, through the competent Offices, will proceed monthly to generate the fee for the number of meals provided to the enrolled student, indicating the deadline for the payment. The rate applied will be that indicated in the application form.
The payment can be made online directly on the portal, by connecting to the website of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina on the canteen portal or through services to the citizen, by accessing through SPID and clicking on the link “Pagamenti Pago PA Attesi”.
In addition, please note that:
Meals are automatically generated every morning by computer system according to the return days provided by the calendar; Starting from this year, in case of absence from school, the parent/ guardian must select the same by connecting to the parent portal by 9.00 am of the same meal consumption, as indicated below:
• to enter the absence at meals click the icon in correspondence of the field
"Caricamento assenze/pasti";
• the list of students associated with your own city account will be displayed;
• go to the name on which you want to register the absence and click the link "Aggiungi assenza"
• insert the period in which the student will be absent of the canteen;
• at the end select "Conferma";
Transport: in continuity with the previous year, the Authority, through the competent Offices, will proceed monthly to generate the subscription fee due to the City indicating the time limit for making the payment.
The payment can be made online directly on the portal, by connecting to the website of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina accessing the canteen portal or through services to the citizen, accessing through SPID and clicking on the link
“Pagamenti Pago PA Attesi”
In case of problems with payments through the portal you can contact the Education Office which will send by email the payment notice and going to the affiliated establishments PagoPA (eg Tobacconists, Newsagents etc.), showing the QR Code, payment may be made.
Applications for enrollment in canteen services and school transport of users not in compliance with the payments of the previous school year will not be accepted, until the debt for school services has been extinguished.
You can verify the remaining debt by accessing the portal with your credentials.
The Education Office is available for any information useful to users by calling the following numbers 06/96834230-225-234, Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.30 and Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 16.00 to 17.00
Information about Canteen and School Bus Services - School Year 2023/2024
In relation to the services of canteen and school transport for the school year 2023/2024, which began on October 2 of this year, we inform that the same will be rendered in favor of families who have regularly registered on-line on the website of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina and received confirmation by email.
The following information shall be provided on these services:
Payment Method:
Please note that canteen and school transport services can be paid through the PagoPA system
Canteen: in continuity with the previous year, the Authority, through the competent Offices, will proceed monthly to generate the fee for the number of meals provided to the enrolled student, indicating the deadline for the payment. The rate applied will be that indicated in the application form.
The payment can be made online directly on the portal, by connecting to the website of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina on the canteen portal or through services to the citizen, by accessing through SPID and clicking on the link “Pagamenti Pago PA Attesi”.
In addition, please note that:
Meals are automatically generated every morning by computer system according to the return days provided by the calendar; Starting from this year, in case of absence from school, the parent/ guardian must select the same by connecting to the parent portal by 9.00 am of the same meal consumption, as indicated below:
• to enter the absence at meals click the icon in correspondence of the field
"Caricamento assenze/pasti";
• the list of students associated with your own city account will be displayed;
• go to the name on which you want to register the absence and click the link "Aggiungi assenza"
• insert the period in which the student will be absent of the canteen;
• at the end select "Conferma";
Transport: in continuity with the previous year, the Authority, through the competent Offices, will proceed monthly to generate the subscription fee due to the City indicating the time limit for making the payment.
The payment can be made online directly on the portal, by connecting to the website of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina accessing the canteen portal or through services to the citizen, accessing through SPID and clicking on the link
“Pagamenti Pago PA Attesi”
In case of problems with payments through the portal you can contact the Education Office which will send by email the payment notice and going to the affiliated establishments PagoPA (eg Tobacconists, Newsagents etc.), showing the QR Code, payment may be made.
Applications for enrollment in canteen services and school transport of users not in compliance with the payments of the previous school year will not be accepted, until the debt for school services has been extinguished.
You can verify the remaining debt by accessing the portal with your credentials.
The Education Office is available for any information useful to users by calling the following numbers 06/96834230-225-234, Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.30 and Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 16.00 to 17.00
1296_Locandina AVVISO Servizi Scolastici 2023-2024.pdf
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 7 novembre 2024, 12:30